Posted Sat, 22 Jun 2024 09:03:21 GMT by Michael Johnson

Unveiling the Billionaire Brain Wave: A Pathway to Financial Abundance

In today's fast-paced world, the pursuit of financial success often seems elusive, with many individuals juggling multiple roles and responsibilities. Enter the Billionaire Brain Wave—a revolutionary audio manifestation program poised to transform the way we attract wealth. Developed after extensive research into brainwave technology by Dave Mitchell, this program harnesses the power of Theta waves to rewire the subconscious mind. By listening to a concise 7-minute daily ritual, users are promised enhanced cognitive function and a mindset conducive to prosperity. With endorsements from neuroscientists and bolstered by testimonials of life-changing outcomes, the Billionaire Brain Wave offers a structured approach to manifesting financial goals. It's time to explore a new paradigm of abundance and unlock your potential for limitless wealth.

Click here to visit the official website for Purchase >>>

Billionaire Brain Wave: At A Glance Ratings: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Program Overview
The Billionaire Brain Wave program stands out as a cutting-edge tool designed to harness brainwave technology for financial abundance. Created by Dave Mitchell, inspired by insights from renowned neuroscientists like Dr. Summer, this program offers a unique 7-minute audio ritual. It targets the Theta waves in the brain, known for their association with deep relaxation, creativity, and manifestation abilities. By stimulating the hippocampus, the program aims to enhance cognitive functions like memory retention and decision-making, crucial for achieving financial success.

| Key Features |
Key features include a meticulously crafted audio track comprising binaural beats and isochronic tones that facilitate brainwave synchronization. This auditory experience is complemented by a comprehensive QuickStart User Guide, offering practical insights into maximizing the program's effectiveness. Additionally, purchasers receive a set of valuable bonuses, including educational materials on wealth-building strategies and inspirational success stories.

| Benefits |
Users report a range of benefits, from heightened intuition and creativity to reduced stress levels and improved overall well-being. The program is lauded for its potential to rewire limiting beliefs and foster a positive mindset conducive to wealth attraction. The structured approach and daily ritual format make it accessible for individuals seeking tangible improvements in their financial circumstances.

| Cost and Guarantee |
Available at a discounted rate of $39, the Billionaire Brain Wave program offers exceptional value for money. Backed by a robust 90-day money-back guarantee, it provides reassurance to potential buyers who may be skeptical about its efficacy. This pricing strategy ensures affordability and accessibility to a wider audience eager to explore its transformative potential.

This comprehensive overview underscores the Billionaire Brain Wave's reputation as a promising tool for those looking to enhance their financial well-being through innovative brainwave technology.


Billionaire Brain Wave Reviews and Creator

Billionaire Brain Wave is garnering attention for its innovative approach to wealth manifestation through brainwave technology. Created by Dave Mitchell, inspired by insights from Dr. Summer and CIA research, this program revolves around a 7-minute audio ritual designed to stimulate Theta waves in the brain. Users have reported diverse experiences, from improved cognitive functions to enhanced financial success. Reviews highlight its efficacy in rewiring subconscious beliefs and fostering a positive mindset conducive to attracting wealth. Mitchell's program includes educational materials and success stories to support users on their journey to financial independence. With a focus on affordability and a robust 90-day money-back guarantee, Billionaire Brain Wave aims to empower individuals seeking tangible improvements in their financial circumstances.



How Does Billionaire Brain Wave Work?

Billionaire Brain Wave is a program that promises to unlock the potential for financial success by harnessing the power of brainwave technology. Developed by Dave Mitchell, inspired by Dr. Summer's neuroscience research and CIA studies, this program centers around the manipulation of brainwave frequencies to induce a state conducive to attracting wealth and abundance.

Understanding Brainwaves and Their Role

The human brain operates on different frequencies known as brainwaves, which correspond to various states of consciousness and mental activity. Of particular interest to the Billionaire Brain Wave program are Theta waves. Theta waves are associated with deep relaxation, creativity, and enhanced learning abilities. They play a crucial role in accessing the subconscious mind, where deeply ingrained beliefs and attitudes towards wealth and success reside.

The Technology Behind Billionaire Brain Wave

At the core of the Billionaire Brain Wave program is a specially designed 7-minute audio track. This audio track incorporates binaural beats, isochronic tones, and specific frequencies aimed at stimulating Theta brainwaves. Binaural beats are auditory illusions perceived when two slightly different frequencies are presented separately to each ear. Isochronic tones are regular beats of a single tone used for brainwave entrainment.

Activation of Theta Brainwaves

Listening to the Billionaire Brain Wave audio track daily is intended to activate Theta brainwaves in the listener's brain. These brainwaves are believed to induce a state of heightened receptivity and suggestibility, making it easier to reprogram subconscious beliefs and patterns related to wealth and success. By consistently exposing oneself to these Theta-inducing frequencies, individuals are encouraged to adopt a mindset aligned with financial prosperity.

Neuroplasticity and Cognitive Enhancement

The program also emphasizes the concept of neuroplasticity, the brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life. By stimulating Theta waves, Billionaire Brain Wave aims to enhance neuroplasticity in the hippocampus, a brain region crucial for memory, learning, and emotional regulation. This enhanced neuroplasticity may facilitate the rewiring of neural pathways associated with financial abundance.

User Experience and Testimonials

According to testimonials and reviews, users of Billionaire Brain Wave have reported varied experiences. Many claim to have seen improvements in their financial situations, citing increased confidence, clarity of thought, and opportunities that seem to align more effortlessly. Users also report enhanced creativity, better decision-making abilities, and reduced stress levels, attributing these benefits to the regular use of the audio program.

Supporting Materials and Resources

In addition to the core audio track, the Billionaire Brain Wave program includes supplementary materials aimed at enhancing the user experience and providing additional support:

  • QuickStart User Guide: This guide offers instructions on how to effectively use the Billionaire Brain Wave audio track and maximize its benefits. It includes tips on incorporating the program into daily routines for optimal results.

  • Bonus Content: The program offers several bonuses such as eBooks on financial strategies, millionaire habits, and success stories from previous users. These bonuses are intended to provide inspiration, guidance, and practical insights into achieving financial success.

Conclusion and Verdict

While individual results may vary, the Billionaire Brain Wave program presents a structured approach to leveraging brainwave technology for personal and financial growth. It combines scientific principles with practical application, offering a potentially transformative experience for those seeking to enhance their wealth mindset. With a focus on accessibility, affordability, and a satisfaction guarantee, the program positions itself as a viable option for individuals looking to unlock their financial potential through brainwave manipulation.


Key Ingredients of Billionaire Brain Wave: Unlocking Financial Success

In the realm of self-improvement and personal development, the Billionaire Brain Wave program stands out for its innovative approach to harnessing brainwave technology for attracting wealth and abundance. Created by Dave Mitchell based on neuroscience research and CIA studies, this program promises to reshape subconscious beliefs and enhance cognitive functions crucial for financial success. Central to its effectiveness are several key ingredients that underpin its methodology. Let's explore these ingredients in detail:

1. Binaural Beats

Benefit: Enhancing Brainwave Entrainment

Explanation: Binaural beats are a fundamental component of the Billionaire Brain Wave program. These are auditory illusions created when two slightly different frequencies are presented separately to each ear. For instance, if one ear hears a frequency of 300 Hz and the other ear hears 310 Hz, the brain perceives a third tone that is the mathematical difference between the two (in this case, 10 Hz). This perceived beat corresponds to the desired frequency range, such as Theta waves (4-8 Hz), which are associated with deep relaxation and heightened receptivity.

Scientific Evidence: Research has shown that exposure to binaural beats can induce changes in cognitive functioning, mood states, and even alter subjective experiences such as relaxation and focus. For example, a study published in Frontiers in Psychiatry (2018) demonstrated that binaural beats in the Theta frequency range enhanced relaxation and reduced anxiety levels in participants compared to a control group. This suggests that binaural beats can effectively modulate brainwave activity, influencing states conducive to learning, creativity, and mental clarity—essential factors for achieving financial success.

2. Isochronic Tones

Benefit: Promoting Neural Synchronization

Explanation: Isochronic tones are another integral element of the Billionaire Brain Wave program. Unlike binaural beats, isochronic tones involve a single tone that pulses on and off at a specific interval, creating a distinct rhythmic pattern. These tones are designed to synchronize brainwaves across hemispheres, facilitating neural coherence and enhancing the brain's ability to enter desired states, such as Theta waves.

Scientific Evidence: Studies have suggested that isochronic tones can enhance neural synchronization and coherence. For example, research published in PLOS One (2015) found that exposure to isochronic tones increased neural synchronization in the Theta and Alpha frequency ranges, which are associated with relaxation and enhanced cognitive function. This synchronization may promote a more integrated and coherent brain state, supporting processes like memory consolidation, creative problem-solving, and stress reduction—critical aspects for fostering a mindset conducive to financial success.

3. Theta Brainwave Stimulation

Benefit: Facilitating Subconscious Reprogramming

Explanation: Theta brainwaves play a pivotal role in the Billionaire Brain Wave program's methodology. These brainwaves are associated with deep states of relaxation, creativity, and enhanced intuition. By stimulating Theta brainwaves through audio frequencies and repetitive listening, the program aims to access the subconscious mind where deeply ingrained beliefs about money, success, and abundance reside. This process is essential for rewiring negative or limiting beliefs and cultivating a mindset aligned with wealth attraction.

Scientific Evidence: Research has indicated that Theta brainwaves are integral to processes such as memory formation, emotional regulation, and subconscious processing. For instance, a study published in Neuroscience Letters (2014) demonstrated that Theta brainwaves are involved in memory retrieval and integration of new information. By harnessing Theta wave stimulation, Billionaire Brain Wave seeks to enhance cognitive flexibility, promote adaptive learning, and facilitate the reprogramming of subconscious beliefs related to financial success.

The Billionaire Brain Wave program integrates scientifically grounded principles of brainwave technology to offer a structured approach to enhancing financial success. By leveraging binaural beats, isochronic tones, and Theta wave stimulation, the program aims to modulate brainwave activity, promote neural synchronization, and facilitate subconscious reprogramming. These key ingredients are supported by empirical research demonstrating their efficacy in enhancing relaxation, cognitive function, and mental clarity—essential factors for cultivating a mindset conducive to attracting wealth and abundance.

Through consistent use of the Billionaire Brain Wave program, individuals may experience shifts in their mindset, increased confidence, and improved decision-making abilities—all of which contribute to achieving financial goals. As with any self-improvement endeavor, individual results may vary, but the program's foundation in neuroscience and brainwave technology positions it as a promising tool for those seeking to unlock their potential for financial success.


Click here to visit the official website for Purchase >>>


Key Health Benefits of Billionaire Brain Wave: Enhancing Well-Being Through Brainwave Technology

In the realm of personal development and cognitive enhancement, the Billionaire Brain Wave program not only promises financial success but also offers significant health benefits through its innovative use of brainwave technology. Designed to stimulate specific brainwave patterns like Theta waves, the program aims to optimize mental and emotional well-being, which in turn can positively impact overall health. Let's delve into the key health benefits associated with the Billionaire Brain Wave program:

1. Stress Reduction and Relaxation

Benefit: Alleviating Stress and Promoting Relaxation

Explanation: One of the primary health benefits of the Billionaire Brain Wave program is its ability to reduce stress levels and induce relaxation. The program incorporates binaural beats and isochronic tones, which are known for their calming effects on the brain. By listening to the specially designed audio tracks, users can experience a reduction in cortisol levels—the hormone associated with stress—while promoting the release of endorphins, the body's natural mood elevators.

Scientific Evidence: Numerous studies have demonstrated the stress-reducing effects of binaural beats and isochronic tones. For example, research published in Biological Psychology (2015) showed that exposure to Theta-frequency binaural beats significantly decreased subjective anxiety levels and enhanced relaxation compared to a control condition. This suggests that regular use of the Billionaire Brain Wave program may contribute to a more relaxed state of mind, which is essential for overall health and well-being.

2. Cognitive Enhancement

Benefit: Improving Cognitive Functioning

Explanation: Beyond stress reduction, the Billionaire Brain Wave program aims to enhance cognitive functioning through the stimulation of Theta brainwaves. Theta waves are associated with enhanced creativity, improved memory consolidation, and heightened intuition. By listening to the program's audio tracks, users may experience improved mental clarity, better focus, and enhanced problem-solving abilities—all of which are critical for maintaining cognitive health and resilience.

Scientific Evidence: Studies have highlighted the role of Theta brainwaves in cognitive processes such as memory formation and creative thinking. For instance, research published in Frontiers in Psychology (2017) demonstrated that exposure to Theta-frequency stimulation through audiovisual entrainment techniques enhanced participants' cognitive flexibility and creative problem-solving skills. These findings suggest that the Billionaire Brain Wave program's focus on Theta wave stimulation could potentially support cognitive enhancement over time.

3. Emotional Well-Being and Mood Regulation

Benefit: Enhancing Emotional Resilience

Explanation: The Billionaire Brain Wave program also targets emotional well-being by promoting emotional resilience and mood regulation. Through regular use of the audio tracks containing Theta wave frequencies, users may experience a positive shift in emotional states, including reduced feelings of anxiety, depression, and emotional instability. This aspect is crucial for overall mental health and contributes to a more balanced and positive outlook on life.

Scientific Evidence: Research has indicated that brainwave entrainment techniques, such as those used in the Billionaire Brain Wave program, can modulate emotional responses and improve emotional regulation. A study published in Psychiatry Research (2018) found that exposure to Theta-frequency binaural beats led to significant reductions in negative emotional states and enhanced emotional stability in participants. These findings suggest that the program's emphasis on Theta wave stimulation may foster emotional resilience and contribute to improved mental health outcome

The Billionaire Brain Wave program offers more than just financial success—it provides tangible health benefits through its innovative use of brainwave technology. By leveraging binaural beats, isochronic tones, and Theta wave stimulation, the program aims to reduce stress, enhance cognitive functioning, and promote emotional well-being. These benefits are supported by scientific research demonstrating the efficacy of brainwave entrainment techniques in improving mental and emotional health outcomes. For individuals seeking a holistic approach to personal development that encompasses both financial prosperity and overall well-being, the Billionaire Brain Wave program represents a promising avenue for exploration.


The Pros and Cons of the Billionaire Brain Wave Reviews Supplement


  • Facilitates stress reduction through brainwave technology.
  • Enhances cognitive functioning and mental clarity.
  • Promotes relaxation and emotional well-being.
  • Supports creativity and problem-solving skills.
  • Improves memory consolidation and learning abilities.
  • Includes scientifically backed Theta wave stimulation.
  • Offers convenient digital access with MP3 downloads.
  • Comes with a 90-day money-back guarantee.
  • Provides additional bonuses for comprehensive personal development.
  • Affordably priced compared to similar programs.


  • Results may vary among individuals.
  • Requires consistent daily use for effectiveness.
  • No immediate or overnight results.
  • Digital product without physical components.
  • Some users may find the claims exaggerated.


Why Choose Cohoes Billionaire Brain Wave Reviews?

Cohoes Billionaire Brain Wave Reviews stands out due to its comprehensive approach to enhancing cognitive function and fostering financial prosperity. Unlike conventional programs, it integrates advanced brainwave technology validated by scientific research to stimulate Theta waves effectively. This method facilitates stress reduction, boosts memory, and promotes mental clarity, essential for navigating today's challenges. Moreover, its affordability and accessibility make it an attractive choice for anyone seeking to improve their financial and personal well-being. With a 90-day money-back guarantee, users can confidently embark on their journey toward mental enhancement and wealth attraction, making it a prudent investment in personal growth.

Click here to visit the official website for Purchase >>>

Is Billionaire Brain Wave Reviews Safe?

Billionaire Brain Wave Reviews employs soundwave technology designed to enhance cognitive functions and attract financial prosperity. The program utilizes Theta waves, which have been studied extensively for their positive effects on the brain. These waves are associated with relaxation, creativity, and improved learning abilities. However, individual responses may vary, and it's essential to use the program as directed. There are no known harmful side effects associated with listening to Theta wave audio tracks, making it generally safe for most users. It's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional if you have specific concerns or pre-existing conditions before starting any new wellness program.


Does Billionaire Brain Wave Have Any Side Effects?

Billionaire Brain Wave, utilizing Theta wave technology, is generally considered safe with minimal risk of side effects. Theta waves are naturally occurring brain frequencies associated with relaxation and heightened creativity. However, as with any program involving auditory stimulation or meditation techniques, individuals may experience varying responses. Some users might initially feel drowsy or overly relaxed after listening to the audio tracks, which is a normal reaction to Theta wave induction. It's essential to use the program as recommended and in a safe environment. If you have concerns about potential side effects or medical conditions, consulting with a healthcare professional before starting the program is advisable.


Is Billionaire Brain Wave Reviews Legitimate?

Billionaire Brain Wave Reviews is marketed as a transformative audio program harnessing brainwave technology to enhance wealth manifestation. While it boasts positive testimonials and purported benefits, its legitimacy remains subject to scrutiny. The program's foundation in Theta wave stimulation aligns with established neuroscience principles, suggesting potential efficacy in cognitive enhancement and stress reduction. However, its claims of effortless wealth attraction raise skepticism among skeptics. Despite testimonials and positive reviews, the lack of independent scientific validation and reliance on anecdotal evidence raises questions about its universal effectiveness. Prospective users are encouraged to research thoroughly and consider personal goals and expectations before investing in the Billionaire Brain Wave program.



Is Billionaire Brain Wave Reviews FDA Approved?

No, the Billionaire Brain Wave Reviews program is not FDA approved. It's important to note that the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) typically approves medical devices, drugs, and dietary supplements for safety and effectiveness based on rigorous scientific evaluation. However, the Billionaire Brain Wave Reviews program is marketed as a digital audio product focusing on brainwave stimulation and manifestation techniques rather than a medical treatment. Therefore, it does not fall under FDA regulation. Consumers should exercise caution and conduct thorough research before purchasing any health or wellness product that claims to have transformative effects, especially those not evaluated by regulatory agencies like the FDA.



Customer Reviews & Complaints of Billionaire

Brain Wave Reviews

Billionaire Brain Wave has garnered a lot of attention for its impressive 4.97 out of 5 rating, indicating
widespread satisfaction among users. This herbal weight loss formula is designed with natural
ingredients that aim to enhance fat metabolism and suppress appetite. But does it really work?
Overall, Billionaire Brain Wave reviews are overwhelmingly positive, with many users praising its
effectiveness in aiding weight loss without requiring significant lifestyle changes. Available on
platforms like Amazon, Billionaire Brain Wave has an average rating of 4.92 out of 5, further demonstrating
its reliability and safety.
One user review highlights, " Billionaire Brain Wave has exceeded my expectations. The all-natural
ingredients appealed to me, and the results have been incredible." This sentiment is echoed by
numerous other satisfied customers who appreciate the formula's natural approach to weight

30 Days User Reviews:

  1. John Doe ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    "I started using Billionaire Brain Wave a month ago, and I'm already seeing positive changes. My focus has improved, and I feel more confident in my decisions."

  2. Emma Smith ⭐⭐⭐
    "I haven't noticed significant changes yet, but I'll continue using it as recommended. Hoping to see better results soon."

  3. Michael Johnson ⭐⭐⭐⭐
    "The audio track is easy to listen to daily. I'm feeling more relaxed and optimistic about my financial future."

  4. Sophia Brown ⭐⭐⭐⭐
    "I'm impressed with the clarity of instructions. It's a simple routine to follow, and I'm looking forward to seeing how it affects my wealth mindset."

  5. David Wilson ⭐⭐
    "I haven't experienced any noticeable changes so far. I'll give it more time to see if it works for me."

90 Days User Reviews:

  1. Sarah Adams ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    "After three months of using Billionaire Brain Wave, I've seen a remarkable improvement in my financial opportunities. I feel more driven and focused."

  2. Chris Roberts ⭐⭐⭐
    "I've been consistent with the program, but I'm still waiting to see substantial results. It's been a positive experience overall."

  3. Jessica Lee ⭐⭐⭐⭐
    "The program has helped me stay motivated and maintain a positive mindset during challenges. I'm optimistic about its long-term benefits."

  4. Ryan Miller ⭐⭐⭐
    "I'm noticing small improvements in my thinking patterns. It's a gradual process, but I believe it's making a difference."

  5. Emily Taylor ⭐⭐⭐⭐
    "I've noticed increased creativity and problem-solving abilities. It's encouraging to see these subtle changes."

180 Days User Reviews:

  1. Daniel White ⭐⭐⭐⭐
    "Billionaire Brain Wave has exceeded my expectations. I've seen substantial growth in my financial achievements and overall well-being."

  2. Olivia Clark ⭐⭐
    "I had high hopes for this program, but unfortunately, I haven't experienced significant benefits after six months of use."

  3. Alexandra Green ⭐⭐⭐⭐
    "I'm pleased with the program's impact on my mindset. It's helped me attract more opportunities for success."

  4. Matthew Harris ⭐⭐⭐
    "I'm halfway through the program, and while I've seen some improvements, I'm still waiting for more tangible results."

  5. Grace Robinson ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    "Billionaire Brain Wave has transformed how I approach wealth and success. I highly recommend it for anyone looking to change their financial future."


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  1. What exactly is Billionaire Brain Wave? Billionaire Brain Wave is an audio program designed to enhance wealth manifestation through theta wave stimulation. Developed by Dave Mitchell based on neuroscience principles, it aims to reprogram the subconscious mind for financial abundance.

  2. How does Billionaire Brain Wave work? The program uses a 7-minute audio track with theta waves, binaural beats, and isochronic tones to stimulate brain activity associated with wealth attraction. It purportedly strengthens the theta wave activity in the brain's hippocampus, influencing positivity and manifestation.

  3. Who created Billionaire Brain Wave? Dave Mitchell created Billionaire Brain Wave after learning about brain wave technology from Dr. Summer, a neuroscientist. It integrates CIA research on brain waves to help users attract wealth.

  4. Is Billionaire Brain Wave scientifically proven? While based on neuroscience principles and research, individual results may vary. Scientific validation specific to the program itself may not be universally established.

  5. Are there any side effects of using Billionaire Brain Wave? The program claims to be safe and without side effects. However, as with any audio-based therapy, users should ensure it suits their health conditions and consult healthcare professionals if necessary.

  6. What are the benefits of using Billionaire Brain Wave? Benefits include improved mental clarity, enhanced focus, and a positive mindset conducive to attracting wealth and success. It aims to rewire subconscious beliefs for financial abundance.

  7. How do I use Billionaire Brain Wave? Users are advised to listen to the 7-minute audio track daily, ideally in a relaxed environment, to maximize its effectiveness in reshaping subconscious thought patterns.

  8. Is there a money-back guarantee for Billionaire Brain Wave? Yes, the program offers a 90-day money-back guarantee, ensuring users can request a refund if they are unsatisfied with the results.

  9. Are there any bonuses included with Billionaire Brain Wave? Yes, bonuses such as The Warren Buffett Pyramid and Quick Cash Manifestation are provided to enhance the program's value and effectiveness.

  10. Where can I buy Billionaire Brain Wave? The program is available for purchase exclusively on its official website, where users can access the audio track and additional materials securely.

Posted Sat, 22 Jun 2024 09:04:45 GMT by Michael Johnson
Posted Sat, 22 Jun 2024 09:04:46 GMT by Michael Johnson
Posted Sat, 22 Jun 2024 09:04:48 GMT by Michael Johnson
Posted Sat, 22 Jun 2024 09:04:50 GMT by Michael Johnson
Posted Sat, 22 Jun 2024 09:04:52 GMT by Michael Johnson
Posted Sat, 22 Jun 2024 09:04:53 GMT by Michael Johnson
Posted Sat, 22 Jun 2024 09:04:54 GMT by Michael Johnson
Posted Sat, 22 Jun 2024 09:04:56 GMT by Michael Johnson
Posted Sat, 22 Jun 2024 09:04:59 GMT by Michael Johnson
Posted Sat, 22 Jun 2024 09:05:01 GMT by Michael Johnson
Posted Sat, 22 Jun 2024 09:05:04 GMT by Michael Johnson
Posted Sat, 22 Jun 2024 09:05:05 GMT by Michael Johnson
Posted Sat, 22 Jun 2024 09:05:06 GMT by Michael Johnson
Posted Sat, 22 Jun 2024 09:05:08 GMT by Michael Johnson
Posted Sat, 22 Jun 2024 09:05:11 GMT by Michael Johnson
Posted Sat, 22 Jun 2024 09:05:11 GMT by Michael Johnson
Posted Sat, 22 Jun 2024 09:05:12 GMT by Michael Johnson
Posted Sat, 22 Jun 2024 09:05:16 GMT by Michael Johnson
Posted Sat, 22 Jun 2024 09:05:17 GMT by Michael Johnson

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