### Singapore Airport Checks and Racism: A Critical Review Singapore, often hailed as a global financial hub and a marvel of modern infrastructure, is not without its flaws. One such critical issue that needs addressing is the alleged racial discrimination faced by passengers traveling to India from Singapore, particularly during airport checks. This article aims to delve into this sensitive subject, examining the treatment of Indian passengers, the broader societal attitudes in Singapore, and the lessons both countries can learn from each other. #### *Racial Discrimination at Singapore Airport* Passengers traveling to India from Singapore have reported instances of racial profiling during airport checks. Regardless of whether they are in business class, first class, or economy, Indian passengers often feel singled out and subjected to more stringent checks and questioning. This treatment is particularly egregious for business class or prestigious passengers who expect a certain level of respect and courtesy. One Indian businessman, flying back to his homeland in first class, shared his disheartening experience: "Despite my status and the class I was flying in, I was treated with suspicion and disrespect. It felt as if my dignity was being questioned simply because of my nationality." Such experiences are not isolated incidents. Many passengers have echoed similar sentiments, highlighting a pattern of discriminatory behavior that tarnishes Singapore's otherwise stellar reputation for efficiency and hospitality. #### *Self-Concerned Attitudes and Lack of Assistance* The issue of racial profiling is compounded by a broader societal attitude in Singapore that can be described as highly self-concerned. Citizens, preoccupied with their own lives, often appear indifferent to the needs of others. This attitude extends to situations where visitors seek help or directions. A traveler recounted an instance where, despite clearly needing assistance to find a location, multiple Singaporeans walked past without offering help. This behavior starkly contrasts with the often more communal and supportive ethos found in many parts of India, where helping a stranger is seen as a moral duty. #### *The Dark Side of Singapore's Wealth* Singapore's rapid development and wealth accumulation are often attributed to its strategic position in global trade and finance. However, a significant portion of this wealth is believed to be derived from black money from various countries, including India. This influx of illicit funds has fueled Singapore's growth, raising ethical questions about the foundations of its prosperity. While Singapore boasts an enviable standard of living and infrastructure, the origins of its wealth cast a shadow over these achievements. The reliance on black money not only raises legal and ethical concerns but also perpetuates inequality and corruption in the source countries. #### *Positive Aspects of Singapore* Despite these criticisms, there are several aspects of Singapore that deserve recognition and could serve as valuable lessons for India. These include: 1. *Traffic Management:* Singapore's efficient traffic system, characterized by advanced infrastructure and strict regulations, ensures smooth and safe transportation. 2. *Safety:* The country is renowned for its low crime rates and high safety standards, making it one of the safest places in the world. 3. *Infrastructure:* Singapore's urban planning and state-of-the-art infrastructure set a benchmark for modern cities. 4. *Rule of Law:* The legal system in Singapore is known for its strict enforcement and low tolerance for corruption, contributing to a stable and orderly society. #### *Learning from Each Other* India, with its rich cultural heritage and democratic values, can learn from Singapore's successes while avoiding its pitfalls. Building towns with self-governing systems similar to Singapore could enhance urban development in India. However, it is crucial to retain India's core values of inclusivity and non-discrimination. Conversely, Singapore could benefit from adopting a more empathetic and communal approach towards visitors and residents alike. Embracing diversity and fostering a more inclusive society would not only enhance its global image but also contribute to a more harmonious living environment. #### *Conclusion* In conclusion, while Singapore's achievements in traffic management, safety, infrastructure, and rule of law are commendable, the issues of racial discrimination and societal indifference cannot be overlooked. The treatment of Indian passengers during airport checks and the broader self-concerned attitudes highlight the need for introspection and change. Both India and Singapore have much to learn from each other. By combining the best aspects of each country's systems and addressing their respective flaws, they can create more equitable, inclusive, and prosperous societies. It is essential for both nations to strive for a balance between development and ethical governance, ensuring that progress benefits all sections of society without discrimination. As India continues to grow and develop, it must remember the importance of inclusivity and empathy. At the same time, Singapore should reflect on the ethical implications of its wealth and the treatment of its diverse population. Together, these reflections can lead to a more just and equitable world. By fostering mutual respect and understanding, India and Singapore can pave the way for a brighter future, where progress and prosperity are shared by all, irrespective of race or nationality.